Bold StreetĀ Academy -- Empowering agents withĀ Investor knowledge


Learn from the #1 Rated Real Estate Broker in Atlanta (by Atlanta Board of Realtors) and successful industry experts

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Market Analysis & Property Identification

Learn step-by-step how to analyze and find markets and investment properties that individual investors are interested in

Investment Return Calculation

Learn exactly how successful industry experts calculate returns on investment properties. Learn the basic and advanced math to calculate the return on real estate property investments

Tools & Templates

Get access to all the tools, spreadsheets and templates you will need to perform property valuation, return on investment, buy box tracking, property analysis, CAP Rates, underwriting and more!

Get access to a step-by-step success formula to identify potential markets & investment properties

Understand the different types of Real Estate investments, learn how to identify potential markets for investors and properties that investors will want to buy.

Get access to all the tools you need to perform investment calculations

Learn what software to use and how to identify investment properties.

Get access to basic math (Cap Rates, NOI, NOI Return, Cash on Cash, and more) and advanced investment calculations (CMA, AVMs, GRM and more), cheat sheets, email and call templates to succeed.

Register for the First Agent Academy Now!

Sign up now to get access to a complete and proven success formula!

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